Astyx Blog

Download Any Skillshare Course For Free To Your GDrive

📁 How To Download:

⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not the author of this script and I'm not responsible for any damages caused by this. Use with caution!!!

  1. 👉 First head over to this GitHub page.
  2. 👉 Next, scroll down and select the "open in colab" button.
  3. 👉 Now it will take you over to the Colab Notebook of the project.
  4. 👉 First click on the Play button which says to mount the drive. After clicking it, the section will output a link. Click that and authorise then copy the token, paste it in the small box inside the section and hit enter.
  5. 👉 Next, run the second cell to install the requirements.
  6. 👉 Once the requirements are installed, first paste the link of the skillshare course you want downloaded in the box and then run the cell/code block.
  7. 👉 Now you can see the download status of the course. Once all the videos are downloaded run the final cell, which will move the course folder to the drive you authorized in step 4.

That's it! Now you can go to your drive and see the course that you transferred to the drive and download it if you want.

#gdrive #tutorials